Your artistic voice

So is it really about finding your voice? I am a member of several art groups and part of a huge art organisation. So many times, I hear people saying they can’t find their artistic voice. They are frustrated and looking for direction in their art. But is it truly about finding your voice? I believe that we all have a voice that is there within us. We don’t need to find it. The harder we look, the harder and more frustrating it becomes.

For Instance

Have you ever misplaced something? You look and look and look, but just cannot find it. It seems the harder you look, the more anxious and frustrated you become. So after turning the place upside down, screaming, crying, generally getting into a bit of a state. You admit defeat and give up, thinking you’ll never find it? I bet there are many people who can relate to this. And then allas!! You’re going about your business, relaxed just simply tidying or making yourself a cuppa and there it is. The missplaced item. Right there, hardly hidden at all but just not jumping up in front of you.

It is the same with ART. That good old saying “it happens when you least expect it”

It is a journey, embrace it, enjoy it and learn from it. Your voice will come. If I were to give you any kind of guidance, it would be to look at the things you like. Things that you are naturally attracted to. Take time out. look at others work and if there is an art work that appeals to you, ask yourself, “what is it that I like about this? How do I feel when I look at this? Is it the style in which the brush strokes fall onto the canvas? Is it the vibrant use of colours? Is it the delicate and sublte blend of tonal values?” Go deeper into your thoughts, and see what speaks to you. It could be a photo that a friend has posted on Facebook. It could be an item that you’ve come accross while on a walk. There will be lots of things that you love and are naturally attracted to. Find out who you are and why you like those things and you will come closer to your voice.

Here is a small challenge for you.

Try sitting relaxing and take some time, an hour maybe. Scrole through images i’e on google or pixabay or ever just on a social media site. Your not searching for anything in particular, you are simply observing. Keep going until something really appeals to you. It makes you go back and look again. It makes you want to click on it and even zoom in. When you find an image that really speaks to you. observe, analyse and ask yourself, “what is it about this image that I am drawn to?” NOW you might find you’ll be scrolling forever! and not really see anything. Don’t worry. If it does’nt happen this time, it may happen next time. Probably when you least expect it.

Look at these two photos. I absolutely love these. Why? because of the innocence and the purity they hold. The first one is just classic. It’s a moment shared between two siblings who are in their own little world, unaware of everyone around them. Their delicate skin and beautiful innocence which is emphasised by the little white dresses they both wear.

The second photo. Its just precious. The happiness and the floating movement captured. These two photos are full of beautiful warm soft and happy emotions, which I just strive from. To create a painting which conjures such delicate but wonderful feelings, is what I love to do.

So go on. Have a go. Look at some photos that really speak to you. It could be that they stir real darkness and show pain. You might feel drawn to this as it is something you can connect with. You might feel you want to recreate this in a painting/drawing as you feel so strongly about it. Everybody is different and express themselves in different ways. Your voice is within you, It will come.